Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Play learning

Dress up is so much fun.

Amataiti is having a very busy day at the office.

Gary loves playing with his cars.

Kourtney is feeding her baby a doughnut.


  1. Hi Room 2!
    Those activities seem like a lot of fun. We wish we could play too. We bet we could help with the typing or the baby.
    From Room 18

  2. Hi Room 2

    my favourite game to play has to be the dress up because
    i like to play as a girl

  3. hi room 2

    my best game wood be feeding the baby because i like baby

  4. Hi room 2
    I wish i can play with your baby and can get you a new T.V for your computer
    if you play again come and get me

  5. You are lucky to have so many great things to use during your play sessions. What is the most popular?
